Create Custom Forms*

Create all types of forms for your business card and website.

Ex. Prospective client inquire forms, website or on-card leads form, client registration, fitness questionnaires and more.

Booking / Scheduling*

Let customers book appointments by enabling our booking calendar feature, or link to other third party scheduler/booking systems.

Enable an icon that links to our booking calendar and let your prospects book appointments with you right through your virtual business card. Optionally enable payments to accept deposits or pre-payments and never again be burned for no shows.

*Our eCommerce Platform includes a contact form to capture your visitors and customers email address. Great for letting visitors subscribe to newsletters or promotions. A more advanced FormFree form builder is also available as an addon and can be purchase from within the platform. Some widgets are platform specific, check plan pricing features for widgets included with the plan that you are purchasing. Platforms include a widget marketplace that can further enhance your site building features, White label owners can resell these features to their clients and generate additional revenue streams doing so.